3 research outputs found

    Analysis of the edge effect of error propagation in digital halftones

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    The purpose of this research is to study quantitatively edge enhancement effects of different digital halftone algorithms, especially on Error diffusion and Linear Pixel Shuffling algorithms. It has been known that by changing the amount of error and the spread of error when processing original images, different edge enhancement effects are observed. In many cases sometimes an unsymmetrical edge enhancement phenomenon occurs at the junction of different gray levels. A new metric for describing edge enhancement effects is introduced. This metric is shown to be consistent and reliable. In order to describe the unsymmetrical edge enhancement phenomenon in some cases, a new unsymmetrical metric is introduced. Both of these metrics are expected to provide useful quantitative measurements of edge enhancement effects in various different halftone algorithms

    Virtual electro-photographic printer model

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    A halftone image in the computer is a bitmap matrix that contains either 0 or 1 , where 0 means the printer will not deposit any toner onto a paper and 1 means the printer will deposit some amount of toner onto a paper. The amount of toner that is put by the printer onto a paper for a given input signal pattern is characterized. The hypothesis was that the distribution of toner mass on the paper for a given input matrix pattern can be modeled with a toner point spread function, a toner transfer efficiency function, and a noise function. In order to study toner mass distribution printed on paper, it is necessary to develop an analytical technique for measuring the distribution of toner mass. The analytical technique used in this thesis is an optical analysis based on light transmitted through the printed sample. This analytical technique was calibrated against a gravimetric analysis. Linear relation between the optical analysis and gravimetric analysis indicates that the technique can be used for measuring spatial distribution of printed toner mass on a micro-scale. Guided by experimental measurements of toner mass distribution, a quantitative model of the three printer functions, the spread function, the toner delivery function, and the noise function, were characterized. These functions were used to construct a printer function that was used to compare the efficiency of different halftone patterns. The result of the printer model was extended to include the optical point spread function of the paper. This provided a complete printing model that simulated both physical and optical dot gain


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    Latar Belakang : Gaya hidup adalah perilaku yang berhubungan dengan aktivitas fisik aktif, pola asupan nutrisi makan sehari-hari, kebiasaan merokok dan cukupnya waktu istirahat. Gaya hidup yang dihubungkan dengan tingkat kebugaran belum ada dalam literatur. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis aktivitas fisik aktif maupun tidak aktif, pola asupan nutrisi baik maupun kurang, kebiasaan merokok, waktu istirahat, dan tingkat kebugaran serta Odds Ratio yang merupakan ukuran paparan dari gaya hidup. Metode: Subjek dalam penelitian ini adalah mahasiswa TPB ITB semester 1 tahun ajaran 2018/2019 berjumlah 1399 orang terdiri dari 798 kelompok putra dan 601 kelompok putri. Instrument penelitian menggunakan kuesioner gaya hidup yang terdiri dari komponen-komponen gaya hidup. Hasil: Penyakit sebulan terakhir penyakit menular sebesar 32.7% putra dan 38.9% putri dan PTM sebesar 42.23% putra dan 49.25% putri. Waktu tidur rerata 5.76 putra dan 5.88 putri. Kategori gaya hidup putra terdiri dari aktivitas fisik rerata 2150.08 MET menit/minggu putra dan 1906.03 MET menit/minggu putri. Pelaku perokok putra dan putri. Asupan nutrisi total rerata 2.82 kategori 3putra dan 2.74 kategori 3. Tingkat kebugaran rerata 38.91 putra 33.49  putri kategori cukup. Nilai korelasi antara gaya hidup total dengan kebugaran kelompok putra sebesar +0.089 dengan p-value 0.012 dan putri +0.105 dengan p-value 0.010 maka gaya hidup mempunyai hubungan signifikan dengan kebugaran. Nilai odds ratio putra gaya hidup buruk memiliki risiko 0.92 putra dan 0.79 putri kali lebih besar terserang penyakit dibandingkan orang memiliki gaya hidup baik. Simpulan: Tingkat kebugaran masuk dalam kategori lemah, namun nilai signifikan menunjukan semakin baik gaya hidup maka semakin baik pula tingkat kebugaran. Paparan penyakit dilihat dari odds ratio menunjukan bahwa semakin buruk gaya hidup maka semakin besar terserang penyakit dibandingkan orang yang memiliki gaya hidup sehat